Sunday 8 August 2010

Tagging - great minds think alike!

Tagging - done!!
And now look at my tags and tell me if you think the way I do?
If NOT; am I original with organizing my data or am I stupid?)

Tagging allows social groups to form around similarities of interests and points of view

You were asking me what do I think about Clay Shirky's essay "ontology is overrated"
Well; it's hard to fallow him all the way through and try to understand an organic concept of delicious about which I will have wait to know it better in few weeks time!
So I won't go dipper into that!
But when it comes to
categorization I do agree with him that it can exist only when we have: expert cataloguers (mind readers and fortune tellers). There is too many factors that makes the ontology a bad fit. People making ontology or doing categorization, have the responsibility to organize the world in advance. And in reality it's not easy to adopt it in web 2.0, because it's too big corpus, users are naive, not coordinated and there no authority or judgement. The closest we get was Yahoo with their file system and hierarchy and still we argue that is not good enough!

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